"Unexpected Guests" is a compilation featuring several of DOOM's "all-time favorite productions, collaborations and guest appearances". Originally scheduled for an October 27, 2009 release date it was pushed back until November 2009.
A microsite (www.doom-unexpectedguests.com) was created to promote the release where fans could stream 15 minutes of the mix and download a free mp3.
(Bonus Tracks, Producer(s))
1. Fly That Knot (3:20) (Fyre Dept)
2. Sniper Elite (1:57) (J Dilla)
3. Yikes (1:03) (ID 4 Windz)
4. Sorcerers (3:02) (DOOM)
5. Da Superfriendz (2:58) (DOOM)
6. Quite Buttery (1:20) (Dwight C. Farrell)
7. ? (3:26) (DOOM)
8. All Outta Ale (3:08) (The Prof)
9. E.N.Y. House (2:34) (DOOM)
10. Bell Of Doom (2:32) (The Prof)
11. Favorite Ladies (2:37) (The Prof)
12. Street Corners (DOOM Remix) (3:38) (DOOM)
13. Angels (3:16) (DOOM)
14. Fire Wood Drumstykx (1:30) (J Dilla)
15. The Unexpected (3:39) (Babu)
16. Project Jazz (3:39) (DOOM)
17. Black Gold (3:33) (DOOM)
18. I Hear Voices (Live) (1:50)
Official Previews Released By Gold Dust Media: